Now that you have the thirsty market that is ready to absorb your products, it’s time to find those products. And to do this there is nothing easier than going to Google and searching for the features of the product. On the site of the product if there is an affiliate program in place you’ll find… Continue reading Affiliate Marketing 101: Product Research
Tag: affliate program
Affiliate Marketing 101: What to Promote (Market Research)
Market research is the first task you should do as an affiliate marketer. Find a thirsty market, provide a product they want (not necessarily they need), bring it to them, and you are very likely to be in profit. This is way easier than finding a product and trying to find someone to buy it.… Continue reading Affiliate Marketing 101: What to Promote (Market Research)
Affiliate Marketing 101: Introduction
Introduction Affiliate marketing is the process of bringing the buyers to the seller and getting paid a commission per sale or customer you bring in (lead). This is the simplest definition for the term affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing in the online world is to bring Internet traffic to your affiliate link to a product, service,… Continue reading Affiliate Marketing 101: Introduction